How can we find out the Disease from the Deformed Finger?

We can check out the disease from the deformed finger.

1. If the thumb is short and hard, the owner may suffer from heart disease or heart stroke.

2. If the tip of the index finger is flat and crooked and there are messy lines, it represents the dysfunction of the spleen and stomach.

3. If the middle finger is flat and crooked, it represents the weakness of the heart and the small intestine.

4. If the tip of the ring finger is flat and crooked, the owner is easy to suffer from the disease of the urinary system and neurasthenia.

5. If one side of the little finger is crooked and the skin of the palm is dry, it is commonly seen in people with an unsound digestive system.

6. If the thumb and the index finger cannot promptly touch each other repeatedly, it is commonly seen in people with cerebellar dyskinesia.

7. If the Jupiter mount is protruded and its height exceeds that of other mounts under the fingers, it represents the owner suffers from the disease of hemorrhage.

8. If the finger looks like a drumstick, it implies the owner may suffer from congenital heart disease or the serious disease of the lung.

9. If the wrist is drooping and weak or the fingers make the shape of a claw, it is commonly seen in the injury of the muscle of the hand.

10. If the knuckles of the finger are swelling and the muscle is shrinking, it is commonly seen in collagen diseases.

11. If the knuckles of the finger are swelling, the finger is thick in the middle portion and thin in both ends and the fingers cannot stretch straightly and have the sense of pain, it is commonly seen in rheumatoid arthritis.

12. After the phalanx fracture has healed, the fingers cannot completely blend. It is commonly seen in the phalangeal healing disease.

13. If you close your eyes and stand straightly, your hands stretch horizontally and your fingers are trembling slightly after stretching the fingers, the owner may suffer from hyperthyroidism.

14. If the cells in the subcutaneous tissue of the finger have lesions and the skin has abnormal folds, the owner may suffer from frequent diarrhea and vomiting.

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